Wednesday, September 27, 2006

On the Third Night of Ramadan...

(sung to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas)

Youths threw stones at passing people and cars, windows of parked cars were smashed, bus shelters were demolished, cars were set ablaze, a youth club was arsoned and a shop was looted. Two Molotov cocktails were thrown into St.Peter’s hospital, one of the main hospitals of central Brussels. The fire brigade was able to extinguish the fires at the hospital, but youths managed to steal the keys of the fire engine.

On the Second Night of Ramadan...

Ten cars were set on fire in the Brussels borough of Schaarbeek. On Monday night, several car and shop windows were smashed and one shop and five cars were set alight in the Brussels Marollen quarter.

On the First Night of Ramadan...

Violence broke out on Monday evening in the working class Marolles district of Brussels after news that a 25-year-old inmate of North African origin had died on Sunday. According to Snapped Shot, the prisoner was apparently poisoned, but there were no external signs of injury on his body. Autopsy reports, thus far, are inconclusive.

The list of "peaceful retribution" for this is just too long to recount here--and recounting of last year's record would take an extra page or two. Snapped Shot has already collected all the links, plus click-through's to last year's Ramadan Riots, because apparently, it is indeed a new tradition to kill and vandalize as a part of the holy month in the "Religion of Peace."

Note:At the start of Ramadan, the story out of Brussels was the donation of 40 million euros ($51 million) of aid to the "Palestinians," but I guess gifts for Ramadan are not appreciated. Next year, let's forego donations of aid in honor of Ramadan and see if fewer people are injured or killed. The money might be the problem here.


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