More NaNoWriMo Notes
Gotta keep track of this stuff. Actually, I have a little Notepad file I started a few days ago collecting all of my notes and side thoughts into one place. There's been a hooah of discussion in Ringo's Tavern on the Bar, in particular, on the subject of Rainey's source of obsession with explosives. Aeons ago, I was into fires, firemen and arson/arsonists as a fascinating source for story fodder. Actually, I was into firemen for something else entirely, but getting good story fodder was a sweet secondary perk.
Back then, about 20 years ago, I wrote several little ... pieces, I wouldn't dignify that stuff with the word "story" but they were story ideas, I suppose. My little arsonist collection shall never see the light of day. The writing of them was, however, useful because after two decades of gathering dust, I find I'm now drawing on that long-since-forgotten research.
All of the time I spent getting to know Boston's Finest (arguably in both the FD and PD because I was an EOF--Equal Opportunity Flirter) in the 1980s has finally paid off. The psyche of an arsonist is very, very close to the psyche of a compulsive demo man. I'm talking about the person who does it for the thrill, not the person who does it for a living, necessarily.
There was a large company one of Boston's arson investigators pointed me to way back then and it's not only still in business but has continued to grow and hold either the #1 spot or close to it in the "controlled demolitions" industry worldwide. Given that the company is called Controlled Demolitions, Inc., it was easy to remember. Actually, back then (in the 80s) I recall thinking the guy was yanking my chain, as though there were really a company called Controlled Demolitions, Inc. - like Bombs R Us or something. But no, they are real. They are world-record makers. And Jack Loizeaux, the man, is a world record in and of himself--he's the one who first imploded a building. Ever.
Loizeaux Group International (LGI) seems like a good reality-based place for Rainey to have learned demo work. I'm 99% positive I'll say that Rainey went to work for LGI when he was trying to "go straight" after some kind of soured militaristic situation (either actual military or terrorist assocation).
The problem I have, of course, is that (1) LGI is a real company and (2) they are a family owned-operated business. Yes, there are other people whom they hire on, naturally (there's too much work to keep up the pace between just the handful of family members running the company) but I have to wonder if Rainey would ever have gotten sufficient information on "how they do it" from the family in real life. Well, this is fiction, not real life, so I can decide it will be however I wish it to be, right? Still, I have to wonder. You know I don't want to take the background or setting of this story too, too far outside reality. The story is fiction, but the world is supposed to be realistic.
The major attraction of using LGI for Rainey's "history" is Loizeaux's approach over the years--not just the landmark revolution Jack Loizeaux brought about by using dynamite to implode a building rather than smashing it to bits with a wrecking ball. More than that. CDI/Loizeaux has this database they've been building.
IIRC they were already collecting and archiving data back in the 80s, though computers back then were archaic compared to today's toys. The CDI/LGI approach to either planning ahead of time, or analyzing after the fact (forensics analysis of a terrorist incident, forex) was, in its application, very cutting-edge. They don't skimp on technological tools, from what I understand.
They've been recording their methods and building a braintrust like you cannot believe--or so I've heard. Or did hear 20 years ago...can only be more so now, right? Jack Loizeaux "retired" a decade or so ago, yet he is still contributing--as are his children and grandchildren. They're innovative in how they do the work and had the foresight decades ago to know recording and keeping all the data will eventually (if it hasn't already, in 2006) build a useful historical trend which could be used to predict future work--or guesstimate forensically others' work after the fact.
This database of corporate knowledge appealed to me 20 years ago, still does today, and is definitely congruent with Rainey's personality - it needs to come out to serve the storyline. I think I'm going to have to contact the Loizeaux family and ask for permission to dramatize them in this story. Update: Have contacted them to request permission and a POC for research purposes. Let's see if/what they answer.
Writing Styles - How this story will be written
First of all, this story is going to be written very differently than I've ever written any other before...but that's a good thing, right? Evolving techniques are progress, aren't they? Let's see what happens, as Gregor would say.
Normally, I do not start writing AT ALL until I have clear picture in my mind as to what story precisely I want to tell. Many authors outline, on paper, I mean, but I don't normally. I guess you could say I outline in my head. Once the mental outline is complete, I start writing. And I write a first cut in a stream of consciousness release.
I don't hold myself back for "fact-checking"; I just put in place holders like [check this whatever] or [look up the date when this started] or even [do some research into how to create one of these] (those are actual notes I've been known to write myself in books.) If I stop my stream of consciousness just to go off and research a fact for one little line, I'll never finish the darn thing.
Example. Last winter I spent 5 months reading over a dozen books on genetic engineering simply because I have two characters casually chatting about some gene splicing decision. It's a very "lay term" sounding chit chat and I needed to be so fully versed in order to "casually" speak off the cuff in their voices. And what did I learn or change? Count 'em -- THREE WORDS in TWO places. Five months and only THREE words. But they were an important three words. :) More importantly, I confirmed that the rest of it was still valid supposition in a genetics discussion. And some people wonder why I refrain from sending the 20-years-out-of-date Phoenician Series out? G-d help me if I ever wanted anyone to buy it and had to update all the fact-checking given the creation of the HGP and all that the Gene database implies! Ack!
Back to this story for NaNoWriMo 2006. I'm getting a clearer picture of the emerging plot the more I look into Rainey's past. I'm sure when I really dig into Lacey's past, too, the story arc will flourish like a rainbow, as it always does, and I'll see where to "start" the story.
As of today, however, I have no "starting point" because I haven't got the arc fully-formed yet. I have a vague sense of the Rainey-Lacey relationship arc but not quite how the story/action unfolds. Need to keep looking into details of the personalities and setting.
Different people approach writing in different ways. My personal style is to start with the characters. Always. As I clarify in my mind who they are, how they evolved into that person, and what kind of world they live in--as well as how that world has or might affect them in the story--I see a clear story emerge. Anyone and everyone in the human race has a story to tell at any given point in their life. We are all existing within an environment and affected by that environment, so looking at the people, looking at the setting, and zeroing in on the interactions between the people and their surroundings usually zeroes me in on the story of these people at this snapshot moment in which the instant story takes place.
I'm definitely enjoying getting to know these two people, even if they are a little creepy at times. Killers are creepy people sometimes, you know? And I'm really looking forward to getting started on the NaNoWriMo work, though I can see, I won't be writing in chronological order. I'll be starting with the scenes that are already fully-developed, from all over the book. Will have to collect and reorder them later, after the Nov 30th deadline passes.
Opportunities to Join the Fun - Get out Your Red Shirts
I've gotten a couple of requests or offers--depending on your perspective, me, I'd call them offers ;) -- to redshirt or Tuckerize some Barflies, as follows:
- Dean Gestner - minor character, Lacey's mentor, whose story will be told through flashback and recounted/discussed between Lacey and Rainey. Gestner had a huge impact on Lacey and her need to deal with that emotionally-traumatic event from her past will come to a head in this book, enabling her character to "transform" on one of many levels.
- Jason Parnell Long - haven't assigned a character to this name yet, but will use him for either a walk-on or a minor character who'll be redshirted. Guaranteed, Jason will die in this story :) I promise I'll kill you, Jason.
- Joe Buckley - I really want to do the Baen tradition of killing Joe Buckley, but don't want to overstep my bounds, as I'm not one of Baen's published authors. We have had several unauthorized killings of Joe Buckley--even mass murders of massive numbers of Buckleys, including some FEMALE Buckleys!! Very fun stuff, this killing of Joe Buckley. He's a sweetheart of a guy or how else could it be so fun to kill him off inventively?
Chief Dragon Lady has courteously provided the humorous introduction for this "must have" redshirt. If I can get the real Joe among the many imposters now running rampant on the Bar to just stand up (and agree), I'd like to replace the Aussie minor character tentatively named "Tommy" with a soon-to-be dead Joe Buckley. As of right now, Tommy does die. He betrays Rainey and hurts Lacey and well, there's two big no-no's so, obviously, he must die! - John Hardesty - John has kindly proffered himself up once more but insists he be killed in a gruesome manner. Not sure if I want to kill him off in the big fight scene at the end. I might have to kill Hardesty in the car chase scene when Lacey starts her "run." Killing this Johnny boy needs to be fun, not just gruesome. He's a fun kind o' guy.
Should the unthinkable occur and I receive "too many" requests (I need at least 20 or 30 people to kill off in this story), I'll give Barflies preferential treatment on a first come, first serve basis. If you have been monitoring any of the threads where spoilers were offered and saw some "up for grabs" redshirt you'd like to be, please indicate such in your comment and I'll do what I can. Again, on a first come, first serve basis. Remember, all comments are moderated so it won't show up immediately, but check back to see when I've published it and posted my reply.