Banned by YouTube!!

If you aren't up on what this lates Jihad move is, please do yourself a favor and listen to the hilarious Michelle Malkin explain the gist of it in her Open Video Letter to YouTube or check out My Pet Jawa or DhimmiWatchfor updates.
I've collected a few of the snazzy entertainment clips YouTube saw fit to ban from the public domain of the Free World in my Video Keepers section at the top of my home page. Any video in the list that has been CENSORED is tagged with a little for your easy reference. Please feel free to use this mini-logo to tag videos yourself (thanks to MyPetJawa for providing the large version! Anyone with a cleaner version please let me know so I can Photoshop it down to size).
Please collect links from my list on the home page or in my posts if you don't have them from other sources in the blogosphere, and embed them on your own blog.
Please embed them or link to them from your blog - the more of us who broadcast the objection to DhimmiTube, the sooner we can stop YouTube's Jihad against Free Speech.
Post a comment here (if you're not having the OldBlogger/BetaBlogger NoCanComment Conflict) telling me about any new videos DhimmiTube has banned that are missing from my list!
Viva la Resistance!
Hey -
My YouTube account just got permanently disabled after I posted a bunch of messages about ISLAM.
Gee, what a surprise.
No Dhimmi
The Truth About Islam
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