Living Out One's Fantasies...

Then he goes and ruins the illusion by hob-nobbing around with North Korea, wining and dining Venuzuela's Chavez (whom we all know is such a kind and caring leader among *ahem* men...sorry, just choking on the words, even as sarcastic as they are). But you know, maybe Ahmaden-jihad has the Venuzuelan's number. Chavez just vowed "to defend Iran against any attack" - sure sounds like undying love to me!!
At least they are being honest with themselves. AP News got the real commitment down in writing:
Together with Iran, Cuba and Syria, Chavez is seeking to form "a new world order" opposing traditional U.S. dominanceThere you go, boyz! Finally admitting you want a new world order is the first step to solving the problem. New world order coming right up!
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