Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dictionaries & Euphemisms

As much for safe-keeping against my losing it in the piles of reference sites I've been collecting the 10 days, as for sharing the joy all around, please do rummage through the following entertainment - or bookmark the sites for perusal at your leisure:

Woody's World of Euphemisms! and sister site
Cousin Mammy's World of Breast Euphemisms! and together, we have:
Richard & Kitty's World of Sex Euphemisms!
What the heck, just visit all of the fun pages at Adult Humor by STARMA!

If you're not sure what some of these words mean, erm, how old are you? Heh. No problem, we serve to spread the words far and wide, here's a Dictionary of Slang (albeit mostly Brit humor)

There was another one, but I've lost the URL - will update when I find it - or die trying!! Rainey's depending on me for this data source :)


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