Monday, November 13, 2006

NaNoWriMo Day 12 End

Update 13 Nov 2006: Gotten a couple of emails from people who apparently cannot click links and also don't know who "Dick Smith" is or why they should know his name. Ugh. Peasants.

My single-most-favorite "Dick Smith" masterpiece is the aging of the then 30ish (or just under) David Bowie through decades to about age 90 (or 150 depending on what you believe about vampires).

"The Hunger" by Whitley Streiber was and still is the only chiller-thriller book I have ever read. I only watched the movie because of how much I loved the book (and hey, Catherine DeNeuve, Susan Sarandon--in a lesbian kiss, no less!--plus David Bowie, well, how can I pass that up?)

The book was 20 times better. As expected. But the movie had great music for its day and age. And of course, the AMAZING special f/x a la Dick Smith, the Master Makeup Artiste of the 20th (and 21st) Century. You, too, can learn Dick Smith's secrets. No, seriously, he offers a correspondence course and many of your favorite makeup artists (like the Almost Human folks who did the makeup on Buffy, Angel and Firefly) learned from Dick Smith's course!

You just don't get much better or more-experienced than Dick Smith. Now you know. And now, back to my needs 'cause it's all about me, Me, ME. Or at least about my story. Still need a good source in Paris, France for supplies for "Dick Smith" style makeup / disguises. Use the comment thread if you know of one. Comment. Thread. :) I'm still gonna get email instead, aren't I? *sigh*

Only got to 41,000 today but got to 41,000 today.

I'm currently lost in the world of special f/x makeup artists (Dick Smith, Almost Human) and looking for suppliers (like Steve Biggs' little SES shop in Utah--but MUCH bigger and) in Paris, France.

Anyone? Anyone out there in Paris, France and can refer me to a supplier of stuff like liquid latex, foam latex (many art supply stores have moulding clay and costumers have fake hair, etc.) plus all the water non-soluble adhesives that do not destroy skin (that's like a whole market unto itself, folks, but the same places that sell the latex will sell the glues).

Argggh...too many details, not enough days in November. For a good laugh, read Steve Biggs' alter ego, Igor's (as in Dr. Frankenstein's assistant) little "letter to mom." He's a character, all right. Must'a been sniffing too much of that glue, huh?


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