Tuesday, September 19, 2006

UK Soldiers Wisting Away

In and amongst the news (like this discussion on Blackfive), I was referred to this little note on David Frum's Diary:
I am told by the father of a British soldier just returned from six months in Iraq (and soon off to Afghanistan) that our troops in Basra receive very few letters of support from people at home, whereas their American counterparts have many letters, cards and parcels from complete strangers. He says that such messages cheer the soldiers up tremendously.
The addresses provided are:

In Iraq:
HQ MultiNational Div (SE)
Basra, BFPO 641

In Afghanistan:
HQ Helmand Province Task Force
Camp Bastion, BFPO 792.t

The Barfly Baking Brigade is mulling over how to support these guys/gals. We don't normally contact total strangers, and I don't advise anyone here to send a package to a generic address or a total stranger. Security today being what it is, not a smart idea.

But writing a letter, generically, to the old "Any Soldier" at one of the above addresses would be very welcome, I'm sure. After pen-palling a bit, sending a package would probably be great.

I urge anyone reading this to think about taking out pen and paper and send a few kind words to the UK Warriors wisting away in the sandbox.


Blogger goesh said...

Thanks - I will send a couple of letters. I won't mention that I have ancestors that fought them in the War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War.

Wed Sep 20, 12:41:00 PM CDT  

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