NaNoWriMo - Day 15 - One Snippet Away

Yep, another 2700 words and I'm "done" according to NaNoWriMo. Not done with writing 'cause the story's not gonna be done at a meager 50,000 words but that's the NaNoWriMo "end mark." My gut feel for the final length is still 110-120k but my Firefox plug-in dongle claims a mere 99k's cause I took a whole day off day before yesterday. It's totally screwing up the math :)
Will definitely be re-reading and tweaking on #21 later today and may write a little more but probably not gonna upload more today after I do the #21 tweaking. I have to go out to run errands. Yuck. And it's cold and raining out. Double yuck.
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